Brief History of Libraries


Back on that day, before the advent of online search engines, people with questions generally turn to the most reliable source they know: their local library. All you have to do is ask, and the reference librarian will answer your question directly or direct you to a book that contains the information you are looking for.

The internet has replaced this important service for many, but the brick-and-mortar library remains very popular, even in the world that continues to grow. They are important and many, more knowledge fortresses.

The library concept comes from thousands of years. The first library held systematically in the ancient Middle East was founded in the 7th century BC by Asyrian Ruler Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, in contemporary Iraq. It contains around 30,000 pointed tablets assembled by the topic. Many works are archive documents and scientific texts, but there are also literary works, including the ancient epic of Gilgamesh. Like many bibliophils, ashurbanipal is very protective from its library. A inscription in one of the texts warned that potential thieves will face the wrath of the gods.

Almost every major civilization that follows the library is built, which is a knowledge repository often obtained from far and extensive. Some are very large and comprehensive that their legends live today. The library in Alexandria in Egypt, for example, is believed to have argued as many as 700,000 documents from Greece, Persia, Egypt, India and other regions. It was very large so it had branch facilities at the nearest Serapist Temple. Bayt Al-ḥikmah (House of Wisdom) which is world-famous in Baghdad, was founded at 830 AD, is another "Super Library" which is famous for its large collection, and the 10th century Caliph Library in Cordova, Spain, bragging more than 400,000 books , Rome and Athens also boasted expansive libraries, such as culture in other parts of the world, such as China and Maya and Aztec civilization from Central America.

The aim of the ancient library is simple: to gather knowledge, learn from it, and use it to make life better. Important progress in agriculture, architecture, medicine, art, manufacturing, war, and many more are all disseminated through this extensive collection. When centuries take place, people began to realize the benefits of having a publicly accessible hub knowledge, and the library became common in cities around the world.

Of course, everything changes over time, and it includes the function of the library. Before their internet is a community center where everyone is invited to sip a cup of knowledge. However, when the influence of the internet grew in the 1990s and 2000s, many speculated that there would be no more need for libraries - all that you might want to know or learn will only click the mouse.

But history has proven the opposite. The community library is still developing, more popular than before. One reason is that not everything can be found on the internet; Amazing information resources and effemera are only available on paper or other media in the library. Sometimes, to get what you want, you have to physically go there; The internet doesn't all know.

And, regardless of the internet comfort, people still enjoy library visits. They found comfort in the warrens shelves packed with books and appreciated the faces of the librarians who smiled who wanted to help. Parents bring their children to the library as a ritual of young passages, while parents enjoy literary junction in the comfort of air-conditioned all for free.

The library has evolved because public needs have changed. In fact, if you haven't visited your local public library in a while, you might be surprised by what is offered now. In addition to books, many libraries are also CD and DVD loans; Some now offer digital copies of books, audio books, films, and more through internet platforms. The rooms in the library are set aside for instructional classes that range from English as a second language to nurturing skills with personal finances and more. The library will sometimes function as a pause for people without access to housing, a safe place where they can relax, use a library computer, or read. Some libraries offer community resources outside the pot of media that are too baking, electrical tools, and even fishing rods can be borrowed from several modern libraries! Today's library understands the needs of the unique community around them and strives to meet these needs.

The public library has a continuous history that is rich as social tanning, offering customers, past and present, the opportunity to read, study, and advance. Without a library, who knows where we will become a society and what progress might have never been made?


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