How to add subtitles to blogger posts

 This blogger tutorial shows you how to easily and quickly add subtitles to your blogger post (blogspot post) so that search engines and readers will have more information about your posts. I also discuss the benefits of adding subtitles to blogger articles. This is an easy tweak to your blogger blog that can be done anyone in a few minutes.

Benefits of using subtitles in posts

Adding subtitles that appear under the post title you can be interesting and informative. For example the titling scheme for this post can:

Title: Add Subtitles to Blogger Blogs

Subtitle: Make your posts more search engine friendly and user-friendly

If you make titles and subtitles carefully, you will encourage more readers targeted from your blog because they will be able to catch a glimpse of what you post rather than reading the entire article. Therefore, your traffic may be a little less but they will be far more targeted at the content of your site producing a lower bounce rate.

If the subtitle you choose to post your blogger is rich in keywords then you also increase your chances of getting a higher position on the search engine results page because search engines give additional weight to the article. By adding subtitles to blogger posts you have SEO tools which if used effectively can result in more visitors to find your site because of higher keyword density.

You can of course add subtitles manually to each post and format it every time. The advantage of this method to solve it manually is that all formatting is in the stylesheet part of your template so you only need to change the color scheme and font variable in one location and blogger will take care of the rest. Each change will be reflected in each post that has a subtitle tag <div>.

How to add subtitles to blogger posts

This tutorial guides you through steps that must be taken to add subtitles to your blogger blog. The way only takes a few minutes short and only requires small pieces of code that will be added to your template. As long as the instructions follow anyone can do this including new beginners and bloggers. Interestingly it is not widely known or written about technical blogs which are subtitles can be added to the blog blog blogger blog but the profit is quite large.

1. Enter blogger and navigate to design> Edit HTML

2. Find tags </ b: skin> in your template. If you have trouble finding it using Ctrl + F to open Blogger Blogger at the bottom of your blog and enter the tag </ b: leather> into the search box on the toolbar

3. Save Templates

4. Open the post you want to add subtitles by clicking on the Post tab and then the Edit post link.

5. Copy and paste the following code into your posts in front of other text.

<Div class = "subtitle"> subtitle text. Please replace your own text </ div>

6. Change your own text between the <div> tag

7. Navigate to Settings> Format and under the post template The last option Enter the following in the box:

<Div class = "subtitle"> </ div>

This will mean that every time you make a post, you will have a tag appearing automatically. All you need to do is place your subtitle text between tags. If you don't want to use a subtitle for certain posts just delete tags.

8. Save changes to send and click View blogs to admire your new subtitles.

Customize CSS Style from Blogger Subtitles

Easy to customize your subtitles for different font types, colors, and font sizes. Just change the code you added before the tag </ b: skin>. If you want certain colors for example, you can change the colors that I have selected for other colors, add the font size, and change the Tataper font to Times Roman. Thus your code will be something like this:

.Subtitle {

Font-Family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Kali, Serif;

Font size: 16px;

Color: # FF6600;

Line high: 20px;

This blogger tutorial has shown you how to add subtitles to your blogger post (blogspot post) quickly and easily. I have discussed the benefits of entering the subtitle feature on Blogger blogs including how this can help search engines to index your blog articles correctly. I also show you how to adjust your subtitles to your own individual needs using CSS style


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