The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine can inhibit blood clots in rare cases


The benefits of Oxford / Astrazeneca Covid-19 vaccine continue to exceed the risk

Oxford / AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccines can be associated with a slight risk of increasing from some bleeding disorders, according to new data, but such cases are very rare and the benefits of vaccines continue to exceed the risks, the researchers said.

Analysis of people who receive the first dose of Oxford / Astrazeneca or Pfizer Vaccine / Bionech reveal a small increase in the conditions of autoimmune bleeding known as the Purpura Trombocytopenic immune (ITP) associated with Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines, separate by blood clotting. The syndrome was linked to the previous vaccine.

In ITP, the immune system destroys platelets, blood cells that help blood become lumps. This condition can cause minor bruises in some people and excessive bleeding and long-term diseases in others, but the symptoms are usually mild and die from ITP very rarely.

It is estimated that occur at around 11 people for every 1 million who receive the first dose of vaccines.

Aziz Sheikh at Edinburgh University, England, and his colleagues said that very small risks were important but rarely occurred, and comparable to people from other Jav, including vaccines against hepatitis B, measles, gunch and rubella, and flu.

They emphasize that findings need to be understood in the clear benefit context of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine. The risk of developing serious bad events related to vaccines is much lower than the risk of serious disease or death caused by coronavirus, especially for parents and other vulnerable populations.

Further research involving younger people and to assess the response to the second dose of vaccines is needed.

"The whole message is, even if the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine does have an increased risk of ITP, the benefits exceed the risks," said Stephen Evans at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, who was not involved in this study. "For the majority of people, ITP does not cause serious problems but does not happen to everyone."

This study examined cases of bleeding related to vaccines and circulatory conditions among 2.53 million adults in Scotland who received their first dose vaccine between December 2020 and April 2021.

The researchers found that for these people, Oxford / Astrazeneca Jab was associated with the risk of ITP which increased slightly up to 27 days after vaccination.

This analysis also found an increased risk of other arterial blood clots and bleeding events related to Jab to 27 days after vaccination.

However, there is no enough data to determine whether there is a relationship between Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines and brain venous sinus thrombosis - rare conditions in which blood clots are formed in the brain.

There is no evidence of an increased risk of side effects associated with the Pfizer / Biontech vaccine.

Clinical trials have shown that the Pfizer / Bionalech and Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines have been well tolerated, although there are a small number of serious side effects reports.

Medications and Supervisory Agency for British Health Care Products received 209 reports of bleeding disorders and blood clot disorders after 22 million first doses and 6.8 million second doses of Oxford / AstraZeneca Jab.

Since May, people under 40 in the UK have been offered alternative vaccines if available, given the rare risk of blood clotting syndrome.


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