Brief History of Libraries

Back on that day, before the advent of online search engines, people with questions generally turn to the most reliable source they know: their local library. All you have to do is ask, and the reference librarian will answer your question directly or direct you to a book that contains the information you are looking for. The internet has replaced this important service for many, but the brick-and-mortar library remains very popular, even in the world that continues to grow. They are important and many, more knowledge fortresses. The library concept comes from thousands of years. The first library held systematically in the ancient Middle East was founded in the 7th century BC by Asyrian Ruler Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, in contemporary Iraq. It contains around 30,000 pointed tablets assembled by the topic. Many works are archive documents and scientific texts, but there are also literary works, including the ancient epic of Gilgamesh. Like many bibliophils, ashurbanipal is very pr...